This procedure describes a FULL calendar with almost everything you need on functionality.
Needed software for running on linux: => extract the files: moment.min.js &
Via website (v.2.7.x) to:
In the lib directory the next files should be there (cp -p jquery-3.6.0.min.js jquery.min.js):
locales => from default fullcalendar-<version>.zip
locales-all.js => from default fullcalendar-<version>.zip
locales-all.min.js => from default fullcalendar-<version>.zip
main.css => from default fullcalendar-<version>.zip
main.js => from default fullcalendar-<version>.zip
main.min.css => from default fullcalendar-<version>.zip
main.min.js => from default fullcalendar-<version>.zip
jquery-3.6.0.min.js => downloaded
jquery.min.js => copied from jquery-3.6.0.min.js => downloaded
moment.min.js => downloaded => downloaded
rrule.min.js => downloaded
#Create database (in mysql /mariadb)
mysql -u root --password=<your password>
#Create database
create database calendar;
CREATE USER 'calendar'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '<PASSWORD>';
GRANT SELECT,INSERT,UPDATE,DELETE ON calendar.* to 'calendar'@'localhost';
use calendar;
`id` int(11) NOT NULL,
`date` datetime NOT NULL,
`archive` varchar(10) NOT NULL,
`sqledit` varchar(10) DEFAULT NULL,
`title` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8_bin NOT NULL,
`start` datetime NOT NULL,
`end` datetime DEFAULT NULL,
`backgroundColor` varchar(10) DEFAULT NULL,
`allDay` varchar(10) DEFAULT NULL,
`rrule` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL
ALTER TABLE `tbl_events` ADD PRIMARY KEY (`id`);
MariaDB [calendar]> show tables;
| Tables_in_calendar |
| tbl_events |
1 row in set (0.001 sec)
MariaDB [calendar]> describe tbl_events;
| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| id | int(11) | NO | PRI | NULL | auto_increment |
| date | datetime | NO | | NULL | |
| archive | varchar(10) | NO | | NULL | |
| title | varchar(255) | NO | | NULL | |
| start | datetime | NO | | NULL | |
| end | datetime | YES | | NULL | |
| backgroundColor | varchar(10) | YES | | NULL | |
| allDay | varchar(10) | YES | | NULL | |
| rrule | varchar(255) | YES | | NULL | |
9 rows in set (0.003 sec)
# create the directory structure on the filesystem in a map (like: /var/www/calendar).
File: "index.php" => see below for the contents.
Directory: "lib" containing the files: jquery.min.js locales-all.js locales-all.min.js main.css main.js main.min.css main.min.js moment.min.js
Directory: "sql" containing the script for usage on the db: add-event.php add-event-start.php db.php delete-event.php edit-event.php edit-event-start.php fetch-event.php
<meta charset="utf-8">
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="/images/favicon.ico">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/stylesheets/base.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/stylesheets/skeleton.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/stylesheets/layout.css">
<link href='lib/main.css' rel='stylesheet' />
<script src='lib/jquery.min.js'></script>
<script src='lib/moment.min.js'></script>
<script src='lib/rrule.min.js'></script>
<script src='lib/main.js'></script>
<script src='lib/'></script>
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
var calendarEl = document.getElementById('calendar');
var calendar = new FullCalendar.Calendar(calendarEl, {
// initialView: 'dayGridMonth',
initialView: window.innerWidth >= 992 ? 'dayGridMonth' : 'listWeek',
// initialDate: '2021-04-08',
selectable: true,
nowIndicator: true,
weekNumbers: true,
weekNumberCalculation: 'ISO',
editable: true,
dayMaxEvents: true, // allow "more" link when too many events
navLinks: true, // can click day/week names to navigate views
selectMirror: true,
locale: 'en-gb',
eventTimeFormat: { // like '14:30:00'
hour: '2-digit',
minute: '2-digit',
meridiem: false
displayEventEnd: true,
select: function(arg) {
// var title = prompt('Event Title: \njust a name');
// var allDay = prompt('All Day: \ntrue or something');
// var startt = prompt('Start Time: \nexample: 2021-03-23 22:01:30 or only date');
// var endt = prompt('Optional End Time: \nexample: 2021-03-23 23:41:30');
// var rrulet = prompt('Optional Recurring Event: \nexample: DTSTART:20210201T103000\nRRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;INTERVAL=5;UNTIL=20210601;BYDAY=MO,FR');
var seltit = document.getElementById("etit");
var title = seltit.value;
if (title) {
var seladay = document.getElementById("aday");
var allDay = seladay.value;
var seled = document.getElementById('optionvals');
var editable = seled.value;
var sqledit = seled.value;
var selopt = document.getElementById("sttime");
var startt = selopt.value;
var selot = document.getElementById("entime");
var endt = selot.value;
var selrrul = document.getElementById("errul");
var rrulet = selrrul.value;
// document.getElementById("myForm").reset();
} else {
var addEvent = prompt('Add an Event: First fill in the details at the [Specify Event]-button below and then click somewhere on the calendar..');
if (allDay == "true") {
allDay = "true";
} else {
allDay = "";
if (title) {
if (endt) {
title: title,
start: startt,
end: endt
url: "sql/add-event.php",
data: 'title=' + title + '&start=' + startt + '&end=' + endt + '&allDay=' + allDay,
type: "POST",
success: function (data) {
displayMessage("Added Successfully");
} else {
if (rrulet) {
title: title,
start: startt,
end: endt
url: "sql/add-event-rrule.php",
data: 'title=' + title + '&start=' + startt + '&allDay=' + allDay + '&rrule=' + rrulet + '&editable=' + sqledit,
type: "POST",
success: function (data) {
displayMessage("Added Successfully");
} else {
title: title,
start: startt,
end: endt,
allDay: true
url: "sql/add-event-start.php",
data: 'title=' + title + '&start=' + startt + '&allDay=true',
type: "POST",
success: function (data) {
displayMessage("Added Successfully");
eventClick: function(arg) {
if (confirm('Are you sure you want to delete this event? Or cancel and maybe change the event?')) {
var deleteMsg = confirm("Do you really want to delete?");
if (deleteMsg) {
type: "POST",
url: "sql/delete-event.php",
data: "&id=" +,
success: function (response) {
if(parseInt(response) > 0) {
displayMessage("Deleted Successfully");
} else {
var timeMsg = confirm("Do you want to change the event?");
if (timeMsg) {
// arg.event.remove();
// var title = prompt('Event Title: \njust a name');
// var allDay = prompt('All Day: \ntrue or something');
// var startt = prompt('Start Time: \nexample: 2021-03-23 22:01:30 or only date');
// var endt = prompt('Optional End Time: \nexample: 2021-03-23 23:41:30');
// var rrulet = prompt('Optional Recurring Event: \nexample: DTSTART:20210201T103000\nRRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;INTERVAL=5;UNTIL=20210601;BYDAY=MO,FR');
var seltit = document.getElementById("etit");
var title = seltit.value;
if (title) {
var seladay = document.getElementById("aday");
var allDay = seladay.value;
var seled = document.getElementById('optionvals');
var editable = seled.value;
var sqledit = seled.value;
var selopt = document.getElementById("sttime");
var startt = selopt.value;
var selot = document.getElementById("entime");
var endt = selot.value;
var selrrul = document.getElementById("errul");
var rrulet = selrrul.value;
} else {
var changeEvent = prompt('Change an Event: First fill in the details at the [Specify Event]-button below and then click on the Event..');
if (allDay == "true") {
allDay = "true";
} else {
allDay = "";
if (title) {
if (endt) {
title: title,
start: startt,
end: endt
type: "POST",
url: "sql/edit-event.php",
data: "id=" + + '&title=' + title + '&start=' + startt + '&end=' + endt + '&allDay=' + allDay,
success: function (data) {
displayMessage("Change Successfully");
} else {
if (rrulet) {
title: title,
start: startt,
end: endt
type: "POST",
url: "sql/edit-event-rrule.php",
data: "id=" + + '&title=' + title + '&start=' + startt + '&allDay=' + allDay + '&rrule=' + rrulet,
success: function (data) {
displayMessage("Change Successfully");
} else {
title: title,
start: startt,
end: endt,
allDay: true
type: "POST",
url: "sql/edit-event-start.php",
data: "id=" + + '&title=' + title + '&start=' + startt + '&allDay=true',
success: function (data) {
displayMessage("Change Successfully");
eventDrop: function(info) {
var moveMsg = confirm("Do you really want to move?");
if (moveMsg) {
if (info.event.end) {
var nstart = moment(info.event.start).format('Y-MM-DD HH:mm:ss');
var nend = moment(info.event.end).format('Y-MM-DD HH:mm:ss');
type: "POST",
url: "sql/edit-event.php",
data: "id=" + + '&title=' + info.event.title + '&start=' + nstart + '&end=' + nend + '&allDay=' + info.event.allDay,
success: function (data) {
displayMessage("Drop Successfully");
} else {
if (info.event._def.recurringDef) {
} else {
var nstart = moment(info.event.start).format('Y-MM-DD HH:mm:ss');
type: "POST",
url: "sql/edit-event-start.php",
data: "id=" + + '&title=' + info.event.title + '&start=' + nstart + '&allDay=' + info.event.allDay,
success: function (data) {
displayMessage("Drop Successfully");
} else {
eventResize: function(info) {
var endtimeMsg = confirm("Do you really want to change the end time?");
if (endtimeMsg) {
if (info.event.end) {
var nstart = moment(info.event.start).format('Y-MM-DD HH:mm:ss');
var nend = moment(info.event.end).format('Y-MM-DD HH:mm:ss');
type: "POST",
url: "sql/edit-event.php",
data: "id=" + + '&title=' + info.event.title + '&start=' + nstart + '&end=' + nend + '&allDay=' + info.event.allDay,
success: function (data) {
displayMessage("Change end time Successfully");
eventMouseEnter: function (info) {
tooltip = '<div class="tooltiptopicevent" style="width:auto;height:auto;background:#feb811;position:absolute;z-index:10001;padding:10px 10px 10px 10px ; line-height: 200%;">' + 'id: ' + ': ' + + ' - ' + 'editable: ' + ': ' + info.event.sqledit + ' - ' + 'title: ' + ': ' + info.event.title + '</br>' + 'start: ' + ': ' + info.event.start + '</br>' + 'end: ' + ': ' + info.event.end + '</br>' + 'allDay: ' + ': ' + info.event.allDay + '</br>' + 'rrule: ' + ': ' + info.event._def.recurringDef + '</div>';
// tooltip = '<div class="tooltiptopicevent" style="width:auto;height:auto;background:#feb811;position:absolute;z-index:10001;padding:10px 10px 10px 10px ; line-height: 200%;">' + 'id: ' + ': ' + + ' - ' + 'title: ' + ': ' + info.event.title + '</br>' + 'start: ' + ': ' + info.event.start + '</br>' + 'end: ' + ': ' + info.event.end + '</br>' + 'allDay: ' + ': ' + info.event.allDay + '</br>' + 'rrule: ' + ': ' + info.event._def.recurringDef.typeData + '</div>';
// tooltip = '<div class="tooltiptopicevent" style="width:auto;height:auto;background:#feb811;position:absolute;z-index:10001;padding:10px 10px 10px 10px ; line-height: 200%;">' + 'id: ' + ': ' + + ' - ' + 'title: ' + ': ' + info.event.title + '</br>' + 'start: ' + ': ' + info.event.start + '</br>' + 'end: ' + ': ' + info.event.end + '</br>' + 'allDay: ' + ': ' + info.event.allDay + '</br>' + 'rrule: ' + ': ' + info.event._def.recurringDef + '</div>';
$(this).mouseover(function (e) {
$(this).css('z-index', 10000);
$('.tooltiptopicevent').fadeTo('10', 1.9);
}).mousemove(function (e) {
$('.tooltiptopicevent').css('top', e.pageY + 10);
$('.tooltiptopicevent').css('left', e.pageX + 20);
eventMouseLeave: function (data, event, view) {
$(this).css('z-index', 8);
headerToolbar: {
left: 'prev,next today',
center: 'title',
// right: 'dayGridMonth,timeGridWeek,timeGridDay,dayGridWeek,dayGridDay,listDay,listWeek,listMonth,listYear'
right: 'dayGridMonth,dayGridWeek,listWeek,listMonth'
events: "sql/fetch-event.php"
// <META HTTP-EQUIV="refresh" CONTENT="3; URL=/calendar/index.php"h
body {
margin-top: 10px;
margin-bottom: 210px;
text-align: center;
// font-size: 20px;
font-size: window.innerWidth >= 992 ? '16px' : '32px';
font-family: "Lucida Grande", Helvetica, Arial, Verdana, sans-serif;
#calendar {
// width: 200vh;
width: window.innerWidth >= 992 ? '160vh' : '80vh';
margin: 0 auto;
.response {
height: 60px;
.success {
background: #cdf3cd;
padding: 10px 60px;
border: #c3e6c3 1px solid;
display: inline-block;
/* Button used to open the contact form - fixed at the bottom of the page */
.open-button {
background-color: #555;
color: white;
padding: 16px 20px;
border: none;
cursor: pointer;
opacity: 0.8;
position: fixed;
bottom: 23px;
right: 28px;
width: 280px;
/* The popup form - hidden by default */
.form-popup {
display: none;
position: fixed;
bottom: 0;
right: 15px;
border: 3px solid #f1f1f1;
z-index: 9;
/* Add styles to the form container */
.form-container {
max-width: 400px;
padding: 10px;
background-color: white;
/* Full-width input fields */
.form-container input[type=text], .form-container input[type=password] {
width: 100%;
padding: 15px;
margin: 5px 0 22px 0;
border: none;
background: #f1f1f1;
/* When the inputs get focus, do something */
.form-container input[type=text]:focus, .form-container input[type=password]:focus {
background-color: #ddd;
outline: none;
/* Set a style for the submit/login button */
.form-container .btn {
background-color: #04AA6D;
color: white;
padding: 16px 20px;
border: none;
cursor: pointer;
width: 100%;
opacity: 0.8;
/* Add a red background color to the cancel button */
.form-container .cancel {
background-color: red;
/* Add some hover effects to buttons */
.form-container .btn:hover, .open-button:hover {
opacity: 1;
<h2 style="display:inline;">Calendar </h2><h5 style="display:inline;">(version 5.11.2)</h5>
<div id='calendar' align='center'></div>
<button class="open-button" onclick="openForm()">Specify Event</button>
<div class="form-popup" id="myForm">
<form class="form-container">
<label for="etit"><b>Title</b></label>
<input type="text" placeholder="Enter title" id="etit" required>
<label for="sttime">Enter the start time :</label>
<input id="sttime" type="datetime-local" value="<?php echo date('Y-m-d\TH:i');?>">
<label for="aday">All Day event:</label>
<select id="aday" onclick="select()">
<option value="true" selected>True</option>
<option value="false">False</option>
<label for="entime">[Optional] Enter the end time :</label>
<input id="entime" type="datetime-local">
<label for="optionvals">Enter a choise for editable item :</label>
<select id="optionvals" onclick="select()">
<option value="true" selected>True</option>
<option value="false">False</option>
<label for="errul"><b>[Optional] Recurring Event - Do NOT select an end time!</b></label>
<p>Example: DTSTART:20210201T103000\nRRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;INTERVAL=5;UNTIL=20210601;BYDAY=MO,FR</p>
<input type="text" placeholder="Enter the rrule" id="errul">
<button type="button" class="btn cancel" onclick="closeForm()">Close Event popup</button>
function openForm() {
document.getElementById("myForm").style.display = "block";
function closeForm() {
document.getElementById("myForm").style.display = "none";
require_once "db.php";
$date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
$title = isset($_POST['title']) ? $_POST['title'] : "";
$start = isset($_POST['start']) ? $_POST['start'] : "";
$end = isset($_POST['end']) ? $_POST['end'] : "";
$allday = isset($_POST['allDay']) ? $_POST['allDay'] : "";
// $sqlInsert = "INSERT INTO tbl_events (title,start,end) VALUES ('".$title."','".$start."','".$end."')";
$sstart = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime($start));
$sqlExists="SELECT archive,title,start from tbl_events where archive like 'no' AND title like '$title' AND start like '$sstart' ";
$seresult = mysqli_query($conn, $sqlExists);
if (mysqli_num_rows($seresult) < 1) {
if (empty($allday) or $allday == 'false') {
$sqlInsert = "INSERT INTO tbl_events (date,archive,sqledit,title,start,end) VALUES ('".$date."','no','true','".$title."','".$start."','".$end."')";
} else {
$sqlInsert = "INSERT INTO tbl_events (date,archive,sqledit,title,start,end,allDay) VALUES ('".$date."','no','true','".$title."','".$start."','".$end."','".$allday."')";
file_put_contents("add-event_post.log", print_r($_POST, true));
file_put_contents("add-event_sql.log", print_r($sqlInsert, true));
$result = mysqli_query($conn, $sqlInsert);
if (! $result) {
$result = mysqli_error($conn);
require_once "db.php";
$date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
$title = isset($_POST['title']) ? $_POST['title'] : "";
$start = isset($_POST['start']) ? $_POST['start'] : "";
$allday = isset($_POST['allDay']) ? $_POST['allDay'] : "";
$rrule = isset($_POST['rrule']) ? $_POST['rrule'] : "";
// $sqlInsert = "INSERT INTO tbl_events (title,start,end) VALUES ('".$title."','".$start."','".$end."')";
$sstart = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime($start));
$sqlExists="SELECT archive,title,start from tbl_events where archive like 'no' AND title like '$title' AND rrule like '$rrule' ";
$seresult = mysqli_query($conn, $sqlExists);
if (mysqli_num_rows($seresult) < 1) {
if (empty($allday) or $allday == 'false') {
$sqlInsert = "INSERT INTO tbl_events (date,archive,sqledit,title,start,backgroundColor,rrule) VALUES ('".$date."','no','true','".$title."','".$start."','green','".$rrule."')";
} else {
$sqlInsert = "INSERT INTO tbl_events (date,archive,sqledit,title,start,backgroundColor,allDay,rrule) VALUES ('".$date."','no','true','".$title."','".$start."','green','".$allday."','".$rrule."')";
file_put_contents("add-event-rrule_post.log", print_r($_POST, true));
file_put_contents("add-event-rrule_sql.log", print_r($sqlInsert, true));
$result = mysqli_query($conn, $sqlInsert);
if (! $result) {
$result = mysqli_error($conn);
require_once "db.php";
$date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
$title = isset($_POST['title']) ? $_POST['title'] : "";
$start = isset($_POST['start']) ? $_POST['start'] : "";
$allday = isset($_POST['allDay']) ? $_POST['allDay'] : "";
// $sqlInsert = "INSERT INTO tbl_events (title,start) VALUES ('".$title."','".$start."')";
$sstart = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime($start));
$sqlExists="SELECT archive,title,start from tbl_events where archive like 'no' AND title like '$title' AND start like '$sstart' ";
$seresult = mysqli_query($conn, $sqlExists);
if (mysqli_num_rows($seresult) < 1) {
if (empty($allday) or $allday == 'false') {
$sqlInsert = "INSERT INTO tbl_events (date,archive,sqledit,title,start) VALUES ('".$date."','no','true','".$title."','".$start."')";
} else {
$sqlInsert = "INSERT INTO tbl_events (date,archive,sqledit,title,start,allDay) VALUES ('".$date."','no','true','".$title."','".$start."','".$allday."')";
file_put_contents("add-event-start_post.log", print_r($_POST, true));
file_put_contents("add-event-start_sql.log", print_r($sqlInsert, true));
$result = mysqli_query($conn, $sqlInsert);
if (! $result) {
$result = mysqli_error($conn);
$conn = mysqli_connect("localhost","calendar","<PASSWORD>","calendar") ;
if (!$conn)
echo "Failed to connect to MySQL: " . mysqli_connect_error();
require_once "db.php";
$date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
$id = $_POST['id'];
// $sqlDelete = "DELETE from tbl_events WHERE id='".$id."'";
$sqlArchive = "UPDATE tbl_events SET date='".$date."' ,archive='yes' WHERE id='".$id."' AND sqledit = 'true'";
file_put_contents("delete-event_post.log", print_r($_POST, true));
file_put_contents("delete-event_sql.log", print_r($sqlArchive, true));
mysqli_query($conn, $sqlArchive);
echo mysqli_affected_rows($conn);
require_once "db.php";
$date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
$id = $_POST['id'];
$title = $_POST['title'];
$start = $_POST['start'];
$end = $_POST['end'];
$allday = isset($_POST['allDay']) ? $_POST['allDay'] : "";
// $sqlUpdate = "UPDATE tbl_events SET title='".$title."' ,start='".$start."' ,end='".$end."' WHERE id='".$id."'";
if (empty($allday) or $allday == 'false') {
$sqlUpdate = "UPDATE tbl_events SET date='".$date."' ,title='".$title."' ,start='".$start."' ,end='".$end."' ,allDay=NULL ,backgroundColor=NULL ,rrule=NULL WHERE id='".$id."' AND sqledit = 'true'";
} else {
$sqlUpdate = "UPDATE tbl_events SET date='".$date."' ,title='".$title."' ,start='".$start."' ,end='".$end."' ,allDay='".$allday."' ,backgroundColor=NULL ,rrule=NULL WHERE id='".$id."' AND sqledit = 'true'";
file_put_contents("edit-event_post.log", print_r($_POST, true));
file_put_contents("edit-event_sql.log", print_r($sqlUpdate, true));
$result = mysqli_query($conn, $sqlUpdate);
if (! $result) {
$result = mysqli_error($conn);
require_once "db.php";
$date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
$id = $_POST['id'];
$title = $_POST['title'];
$start = $_POST['start'];
$rrule = isset($_POST['rrule']) ? $_POST['rrule'] : "";
$allday = isset($_POST['allDay']) ? $_POST['allDay'] : "";
// $sqlUpdate = "UPDATE tbl_events SET title='".$title."' ,start='".$start."' ,end='".$end."' WHERE id='".$id."'";
if (empty($allday) or $allday == 'false') {
$sqlUpdate = "UPDATE tbl_events SET date='".$date."' ,title='".$title."' ,start='".$start."' ,end=NULL ,rrule='".$rrule."' ,backgroundColor='green' ,allDay=NULL WHERE id='".$id."' AND sqledit = 'true'";
} else {
$sqlUpdate = "UPDATE tbl_events SET date='".$date."' ,title='".$title."' ,start='".$start."' ,end=NULL ,rrule='".$rrule."' ,backgroundColor='green' ,allDay='".$allday."' WHERE id='".$id."' AND sqledit = 'tr
file_put_contents("edit-event-rrule_post.log", print_r($_POST, true));
file_put_contents("edit-event-rrule_sql.log", print_r($sqlUpdate, true));
$result = mysqli_query($conn, $sqlUpdate);
if (! $result) {
$result = mysqli_error($conn);
require_once "db.php";
$date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
$id = $_POST['id'];
$title = $_POST['title'];
$start = $_POST['start'];
$allday = isset($_POST['allDay']) ? $_POST['allDay'] : "";
// $sqlUpdate = "UPDATE tbl_events SET title='".$title."' ,start='".$start."' WHERE id='".$id."'";
if (empty($allday) or $allday == 'false') {
$sqlUpdate = "UPDATE tbl_events SET date='".$date."' ,title='".$title."' ,start='".$start."' ,allDay='true' ,end=NULL ,backgroundColor=NULL ,rrule=NULL WHERE id='".$id."' AND sqledit = 'true'";
} else {
$sqlUpdate = "UPDATE tbl_events SET date='".$date."' ,title='".$title."' ,start='".$start."' ,allDay='".$allday."' ,end=NULL ,backgroundColor=NULL ,rrule=NULL WHERE id='".$id."' AND sqledit = 'true'";
file_put_contents("edit-event-start_post.log", print_r($_POST, true));
file_put_contents("edit-event-start_sql.log", print_r($sqlUpdate, true));
$result = mysqli_query($conn, $sqlUpdate);
if (! $result) {
$result = mysqli_error($conn);
require_once "db.php";
$json = array();
$sqlQuery = "SELECT * FROM tbl_events WHERE archive='no' ORDER BY id";
$result = mysqli_query($conn, $sqlQuery);
$eventArray = array();
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) {
array_push($eventArray, $row);
echo json_encode($eventArray);