To organize all your photos and videos use the Exiftool.
This is software which uses metadata to rename the files with an additional date.
This way you always know when a photo or video was taken.
# Usage of exiftool on only date/time on OS and EXIF data from files
# Sort of date/time:
# [File:System] FileModifyDate : 2009:10:05 20:40:36-04:00
# [File:System] FileAccessDate : 2009:10:07 09:22:12-04:00
# [File:System] FileCreateDate : 2009:10:05 20:40:36-04:00
# [EXIF:IFD0] ModifyDate : 2003:10:31 15:44:19
# [EXIF:ExifIFD] DateTimeOriginal : 2003:10:31 15:44:19
# [EXIF:ExifIFD] CreateDate : 2003:10:31 15:44:19
# Open the administrator CMD prompt!
# To list all dates of files known
# exiftool -AllDates -a "dir_name"
exiftool -r "-FileName<CreateDate" -if "not $exif:DateTimeOriginal" -d %Y-%m-%d_%H%M_%%f.%%e -ext plist -ext mov -ext mp4 -ext mpg -ext thm -ext avi -ext aae "Fotos_mapname"
exiftool -r "-FileName<DateTimeOriginal" -if "$exif:DateTimeOriginal" -d %Y-%m-%d_%H%M_%%f.%%e -ext plist -ext mov -ext mp4 -ext mpg -ext thm -ext avi -ext aae "Fotos_mapname"
exiftool -r "-FileName<FileModifyDate" -if "not $exif:DateTimeOriginal" -d %Y-%m-%d_%H%M_%%f.%%e -ext jpg -ext png -ext gif "Fotos_mapname"
exiftool -r "-FileName<DateTimeOriginal" -if "$exif:DateTimeOriginal" -d %Y-%m-%d_%H%M_%%f.%%e -ext jpg -ext png -ext gif "Fotos_mapname"